As the seasons change, you'll probably be advising male clients to change their grooming routines as well. From stressed out strands to brittle ends and itchy scalp, hair can take a beating from winter elements. Introduce clients to GO247's Luxury Grooming Collection for the extra attention and care they'll need. These high-end products address the harsh season’s most common concerns.
Mint Thickening Shampoo
Solution for: dandruff or dry, itchy scalp.
This luxurious lather experience targets the scalp’s winter cravings, thanks to key ingredients such as peppermint. Rich in natural antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties, peppermint can help treat and prevent dandruff while balancing the pH of the scalp, helping to regulate oil production.
Conditioner for Men
Solution for: dry, brittle hair.
Formulated with rich ingredients like Vitamin E to deliver key nutrients to strands, this moisturizing conditioner, essential for winter, seals the cuticle and adds shine to leave hair softer, stronger, and more hydrated.
Styling Cream
Solution to tame: unruly hair, frizz, and flyaways.
This rich, lightweight, thickening formula imparts a matte finish and medium hold to allow hair movement and breathability while keeping each strand in place throughout the day. The versatile styling cream can be used on wet or dry hair; for extra unruly or frizzy hair, it can be followed up with GO247’s heavy-hold Control Spray.
Find a full Styling Cream tutorial here by GO247 Ambassador Manny Padron.
Originally posted on Modern Salon