Kontext is inspired by TV series such as "Hollywood," "Riverdale,” "Elite" and "Lost.” These include eclectic characters who are modern and nonconformist; who want to break with the established and rewrite a new story where they are the protagonists.
Hair textures were crafted to emphasize their natural beauty, with volume as a highlight. Light, with a chiaroscuro effect, makes the silhouette and the contours stand out in each image.
Hair: Gema Moreno @gema_moren
Hair Instagram: @antonioeloypro
Hair Assistants:
Dioni Martínez @diomartinezgon
Álvaro Sánchez @alvarosamchez_
Photography: Edu Gómez @edugomez
Retouch: Edu Gómez @edugomez
MUA: Lulú Pérez @_luluperez_
Álvaro De Olmedo @alvarodeolmedo
Models: Carlos Lara Herrera @carloslaraherrera
Alejandro Fernández Gálvez @alexfernandexweb
Aaron Román Velasco @sinakabeats
Sergio Adrián Buitrago García @se.buitrago
Revlon Professional @revlonprofessional_es
American Crew @americancrew_spain
Video creator: Info del Media @infodelmedia
Originally posted on Modern Salon