The Beard Boom: Are You Leveraging it for Success?
The Beard Boom: Are You Leveraging it for Success?

On your next busy day, make a mental note of how many of your clients are sporting a beard or facial hair. Among those clients, reflect on the loyal ones who’ve been coming to you for years—has their appearance changed in recent years? Are you noticing more clients with facial hair now than before the pandemic?

According to an article posted on, “How Growing A Beard Went from A Rejection of Grooming to a Grooming Bonanza,” data collected by Edgewell Personal Care, the personal care giant that is the parent of companies like Schick, sales for beard-care products in brick-and-mortar mass drugstores and supermarkets alone totaled $97.2 million in the 52-week prior ending March 20—that’s a seven times increase from the same period of time in 2016 when it totaled $14.5 million.

As the pandemic forced many U.S. workers to work from home, choose Zoom conferences over in-person meetings and suspend business travel, did men relax their grooming habits and opt to take the time to grow out their facial hair and try a new style?

The sales data from Edgewell shows a transferring of the baton from shaving products to beard products, as sales for its Cremo and Bulldog brands experience double-digit growth, while sales of shaving products experienced double-digit declines, said Matthew Biggins, SVP and GM of the grooming division at Edgewell.

Biggins added that shaving products have been recovering steadily since late last year, while sales of beard products are still above pre-pandemic levels.

Now is the time to stock up on beard care products and to offer more beard grooming services to your barbershop menu.

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Originally posted on Modern Salon

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