The Green Beauty Community: A Collaboration for a Sustainable Beauty Industry

The Green Beauty Community is pleased to announce its official debut to the beauty industry, underscoring its commitment to championing sustainable beauty practices. This initiative represents a collaboration of several partners including Green Circle Salons who, since 2009, have played a pivotal role in uniting beauty industry leaders to foster a collective vision for a more sustainable beauty future.

Green Circle Salons, recognized for its dedication to sustainability, has been instrumental in spearheading this collaboration. Their involvement signifies a broader social purpose initiative, aimed at supporting a diverse and inclusive platform that inspires, educates, and empowers industry professionals to make informed, eco-conscious choices to help decarbonize the beauty industry. Green Circle’s involvement is further bolstered by a significant grant from Innersense Organic Beauty, a leader in Conscious Beauty, as well as collaborations with Sustain Beauty Co, Vish, Brand Fuel Solutions, Insight Professional, and The Salon Chair Guys.

The Green Beauty Community: A Collaboration for a Sustainable Beauty Industry

The Green Beauty Community's mission revolves around three core principles: Clean Beauty, which emphasizes human health and product safety; Green Beauty, which focuses on minimizing environmental impact and natural ingredients; and Sustainable Beauty, which considers the entire product lifecycle from sourcing to disposal.

The Green Beauty Community stands as a pivotal resource, guiding beauty professionals through the eco-conscious landscape, providing them with the tools, knowledge and support needed to integrate sustainable practices into their work and contribute to the broader movement towards a greener beauty industry.

Daniel Johnson, Founder of The Green Beauty Community, remarked, "The formation of the Green Beauty Community represents a collective endeavor to address sustainability within our industry. With the invaluable support of Green Circle Salons, Innersense Organic Beauty and our other partners, we are poised to make a tangible impact in the beauty sector."

The Green Beauty Community invites industry stakeholders, professionals, and enthusiasts to explore its offerings, join its mission, and contribute to a sustainable beauty revolution. Detailed information about the community, its objectives, and collaboration opportunities can be accessed at



Originally posted on Salon Today